GOLDSMITH, J. A Grammar of Geography for the Use of Schools and Young Persons. With Maps and Engravings. A New Edition corrected and Modernised. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, [n.d., 1841]
pp. iv, 212 + 16 p. advertisements + 8 fold out maps + 11 tipped in unpaginated illustrations + frontispiece with rotating volvelle in full working order. Some maps have splits in the paper, but are intact. Appears to have been rebound (late 19th, early 20th c.). Overall GOOD condition.
The highlight of the book is the frontispiece, featuring a rotating volvelle used to determine the time in different time zones and demonstrate the principal based on the position of earth in relationship to the sun. Illustrations of peoples from various nations and their environment guide the student’s imagination as they study the foldout maps of far away countries.