Netherlands or Rhineland Germany, ca. 1350 (500 x 350) Northern Gothic Textualis (littera textualis formata). Single leaf from choir book. Eight 4-stave lines with square musical notation on parchment for celebration of First Sunday after Octave of Epiphany (January 6-13th), Saturday preceding to verses on Easter. One 14-line illumination featuring initial formed of two intertwined dragons and filigree ornamentation. Seven black, red, and blue decorated initials, six alternating blue and red decorated initials. Quadrata, spurs on ascenders, with hooked hairlines. Normal double-bow form of a, sloping d with fusions, crossed x, hair line diacritical stroke above i. Green pigmentation within lower right-hand circular device and circular devices within and around the main initial. Two decorative bars with gilt and blue and red penwork at top and bottom of musical notation on recto. Both recto and verso have decorative blue and red ornamentation on gutter-side of ruling. Four pin-pricked holes from previous modern mounting. Trimmed along top with some loss to pen flourish.
From a private estate, presented as a gift to from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Dayton.
Cf. for style of decoration, initial, and palaeography Solothurn Zentralbibliothek, Cod. S III 1 and London Victorian and Albert Museum Nos 4011, 4012, 4013, 4014, 4015, 4016, 4017, 4018, 4019, 4020, 4021, 4022.