Missale romanum: ex decreto sacro sancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii V. Pont. Max iussu editum, et Clementis VIII. primum, nunc denuo Urbani Papae VIII. auctoritate regognitum. Lutetiae Parisorum: Apud Franciscum Coustelier,…. M.DC. LXXX [1680].
(220 x 140 mm) pp. [72], 783, clx. Plates [2]. Full calf, contemporary, with five raised sewing stations, gilt decorations and title on spine. Gilt decorations on edges of binding. Plain printed paper bookplate on top left corner of pastedown, “M. Ribard, Rue Morand” of Rouen. Wants one brass clasp; end bands chipped at head and toe. Overall VERY GOOD condition.
About the Provenance:
M. Ribard, almost certainly Monsieur Jacques Paul Vincent Adrien Ribard (1728-1813), a Norman bibliophile and merchant from Rouen, who was also in possession of quite an ornate 16th century Dominican processional for the use of nuns, which has since sold through Les Enluminures. His bibliographic ardour has also found a home in the Sir John Soane Museum in London, which houses his copies of Guillaume Bouchet’s three book series of Levre de series de Gvillavme Bovchet, sievr de Brocovrt (1615). His library was sold on March 9th, 1815 in Paris and is itemised in Catalogue des Litres rares et singuliers et en diverses langues de la bibliothèque de feu M*** [Jaques Ribard de Rouen] (published in Paris by Tilliard frères).