MARCI, Joannes Marcus. Thaumantias; Liber De Arcu Coelesti Deque Colorum Apparentium Natura, Ortu Et Causis. Prague: Sumptibus Pragopress, 1968.
FACSIMILE OF 1648 EDITION. (200 x 150 mm) pp. 270 (facsimile) pp 32 accompanying text in Czech, English, German, Russian by Jiri Marek). With many diagrams. Bound in marbled cloth with gilt armorial & borders; grey slipcase. AS NEW condition.
From the accompanying work: “Thaumantias is devoted to problems connected with the properties of spectral colours. This new edition of this book was initiated mainly by the fact that it contains descriptions of important phenomena in physical optics and interesting attempts for their elucidation as recently as in the first half of the 17th century."