SHAW, Byam & ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel. The Blessed Damozel, London, T.C & E.C Jack, and Edinburgh, [1900].
(120x150 mm) 14 numbered pages, with 2 additional concluding poem and blank; illustrated frontispeice and 3 subsequent elegant art nouveau illustrations by Byam Shaw. (1872-1919) Inscription on top right of front pastedown: "To W.J. with love from E.K. H. Xmas 1907". Ornate gilded cover featuring peacocks and knotwork. Minor sunfade on back cover, minor discoloration of fly leaves and pastedown, but interior is fine.
Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. With beautiful gilded, art nouveau peacocks, this stunning cover houses a little, 14 page poem by Dante Gabriel Rossetti with an illustrated frontispiece & 3 additional illustrations by Byam Shaw. No publication date, but likely turn of the century, certainly before 1907.